Cat's Eye Quartz
A gemstone of intrigue and mystique, cat’s eye quartz is revered for its captivating chatoyancy — a luminous band of light that glides across its surface, reminiscent of a feline’s watchful eye. This striking optical effect is the result of fine, parallel inclusions, typically composed of rutile or fibrous minerals, which interact with light to create the distinctive silky streak that defines this gem.
Mined in various parts of the world, cat’s eye quartz is most notably sourced from Sri Lanka, India, Brazil, and Madagascar. The finest specimens display a sharp, well-centered eye and come in hues ranging from golden honey and rich amber to greenish and smoky browns. The intensity of color and the clarity of the eye contribute significantly to the gemstone’s value and desirability.
In Vedic astrology, cat’s eye quartz is linked to Ketu, the shadow planet associated with wisdom, intuition, and karmic influences. It is believed to offer protection against misfortune, enhance focus and determination, and guide the wearer through periods of uncertainty and transformation. With its mesmerizing beauty and profound spiritual significance, cat’s eye quartz is a gemstone that embodies both elegance and purpose, making it a cherished choice for those seeking both aesthetic appeal and metaphysical benefits.