Rubies (Manik)
Regarded as the ‘King of Precious Stones’, rubies are among the most valuable members of the Corundum family of minerals. Although they comprise the same chemical composition as other sapphires, their distinctive pink and red tones, caused by trace amounts of chromium, differentiate them from other sapphires. The hues of a ruby can range from a light pink overtone, all the way to a deep and rich red, known in the trade as “Pigeon’s Blood”.
The finest rubies in the world are said to come from the Mogok Valley in Myanmar (erstwhile Burma) – where these gemstones have been mined for centuries. These ‘Burmese’ rubies are some of the most expensive and coveted items in all of gemmology. Other sources of somewhat comparable quality include Madagascar and Mozambique, while most inferior rubies are sourced from elsewhere in Africa, and Thailand.
In astrology, rubies are associated with the Sun and are said to aid in people-oriented professions such as politics, diplomacy, and other leadership roles. Wearing this stone is also said to bring about better paternal relationships, along with a rejuvenation in one’s physical well-being.