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Astrological Benefits of a Red Coral Stone (Moonga)

Red coral, referred to as the Moonga stone in India, is a gemstone held in high esteem, celebrated for its remarkable capacity to enrich mental well-being, invigorate the spirit, and shield against negative influences. Much like pearls, red corals are organic gemstones, primarily composed of calcium carbonate, a mineral meticulously fashioned by the intricate processes of tiny marine organisms known as polyps.

A red-coloured coral treeRed Corals are formed underwater by marine organisms called coral polyps

Our voyage through this article takes us on a captivating journey into the world of red coral, where we unravel not only its mystical allure but also its intriguing characteristics. As we delve into its depths, we will explore the profound astrological benefits it bestows upon those who align themselves with its unique energies. This exploration aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of the red coral, rendering it more accessible to those seeking its remarkable properties.

Red Corals (Moonga Stone) in Astrology

1. Historical Context

The history of the red coral stone is indeed captivating, marked by its use in jewelry, religious ceremonies, and its symbolic connotations of power and protection. Its roots trace back to ancient Egypt, dating as far back as 2000 BC when it was frequently incorporated into both amulets and ornate jewelry. In Rome, red corals were esteemed for their perceived ability to ward off illnesses, while simultaneously serving as a symbol of affluence and social status. This enduring tradition persisted into the Middle Ages, where red corals found their place adorning religious artefacts. Remarkably, archaeologists in Switzerland unearthed Neolithic graves containing red coral amulets, some of which date back to 8000 BC. Furthermore, the Mediterranean region bore witness to extensive trade in red coral, and even among the ancient Greeks, this precious gem held an esteemed position.

Today, the red coral stone continues to command admiration, valued for both its aesthetic allure and astrological significance, with beliefs in its potential to bestow strength, courage, and good fortune upon the wearer.

Diagram representing the planetary, zodiac, and birthstone month associations of a red coral stone (moonga stone)Red Corals (Moonga stone) in Astrology

2. Birthstone Month

In Vedic astrology, the red coral stone is typically associated with the month of April. However, in numerology, certain dates are attributed to the red coral as its lucky birthstone. Specifically, the 9th, 18th, and 27th of each month are believed to hold special significance for those who resonate with the energies of the moonga stone.

3. Planetary Association

Also known as the moonga stone, the red coral is a precious astrological gemstone associated with the planet Mars or Mangal Graha. Mars is considered the planet of courage, forcefulness, and authority in Vedic astrology.

When the planet Mars is unfavourably positioned in someone's birth chart, wearing a red coral gemstone is often suggested. This practice is rooted in the belief that the moonga stone possesses the power to alleviate what is known as the Mangala dosha or the "Mars defect" in Vedic astrology. Reciting the mangal mantra before wearing the gemstone is key to mitigating the Mangala dosha.

4. Zodiac Signs

In astrology, the red coral stone carries significant appeal and resonance for specific zodiac signs. It particularly harmonizes with individuals born under the sign of Aries. However, it also holds favourable associations with Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces, Leo, and Cancer, as indicated by their respective horoscopes.

However, it's essential to note that there are ascendants who should exercise caution when considering the Moonga stone due to potential adverse effects in their horoscope. This group includes Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius ascendants.

Benefits of Wearing a Red Coral (Moonga) Stone

Diagram representing the astrological benefits of a red coral stone (moonga stone)Astrological Benefits of a Red Coral (Moonga)

In Vedic astrology, the moonga stone is an important part of the Navratnas and is said to channel the energies of planet Mars, offering a wealth of benefits to those in tune with its power. These red gemstones are believed to bring forth a range of astrological benefits, including:

    • Protection From Negativity: Red coral is often regarded as a protective talisman, guarding its wearer against negative energies, accidents, and ill will. It is believed to act as a shield against malevolent forces, offering a sense of security and well-being.
    • Improved Health: The moonga stone is believed to harmonize both physical and mental well-being, supporting not only bodily vitality but also mental health. Wearing red coral may help individuals find a sense of overall balance, enhancing their physical health and alleviating mental health concerns like anxiety.
    • Boosting Energy: Red coral is associated with the planet Mars, symbolizing energy, courage, and vitality. Wearing this stone is believed to infuse the wearer with increased vigour and enthusiasm, making it an excellent choice for those seeking an energy boost.
    • Overcoming Obstacles: Red coral is believed to act as a powerful ally in overcoming life's challenges. Its energy is thought to provide the wearer with the determination and resilience needed to face and conquer obstacles, making it an invaluable gemstone for those navigating difficulties in their journey.
    • Improved Relationships: Red coral's influence extends to relationships, particularly in fostering better understanding and harmony between couples. It can be an excellent choice for individuals seeking to strengthen their bonds and communication.

      Wearing Guidelines

      Wearing a red coral is a tradition steeped in the astrological significance of the planet Mars. To harness the full potential and benefits of this gemstone, it's essential to follow certain wearing guidelines:

        • Metal Choice: Astrologically, the most favourable metals for red coral are copper and gold to fully harness the benefits of the planet Mars.
        • Colour: Red coral comes in a spectrum of hues, ranging from light red-orange to a deep red known as "Ox Blood", which stands as the most esteemed and valuable shade. Generally, the deeper the red, the higher the cost of the stone.
        • Timing Considerations: Astrologers suggest that the most auspicious time to wear a Moonga gem is during the early hours of Tuesday morning. It is also advised to wear the gemstone during the Waxing Moon phase, known as Shukla Paksha, which encompasses the phase between the new moon and the full moon.
        • Origin: The origin of a red coral stone is a pivotal factor influencing its quality. Moonga gemstones sourced from Japan and the Mediterranean Sea regions of Italy are held in the highest esteem, and renowned for their unparalleled quality.  While sources from Italy are the most popular, those from Japan are rarer and more expensive, known for their unparalleled quality.
        • Finger Placement: For optimal results, red coral is traditionally worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
        • Chanting: To activate the gemstone's astrological properties, it is advised to recite the Mangal mantra “Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroom Sah Bhomay Namah”. This mantra is associated with the planet Mars, enhancing the gemstone's effects.
        • Lab Certification: IIt is crucial to obtain a lab certificate when purchasing a red coral gemstone. This certificate validates the gem's authenticity and quality, assuring the buyer that they are acquiring a genuine and high-quality stone.
        • Carat Weight: When selecting a red coral gemstone, it's advisable to consider a carat weight that equals at least 1/10th of your body weight. For instance, if you weigh 50 kg, consider wearing a 5-carat red coral for astrological benefits. Seeking guidance from an astrologer is invaluable in choosing the perfect red coral that has the best compatibility per your astrological needs.

          Caring for Your Red Coral

          Caring for your red coral gemstone is essential to maintain its beauty and maximize its longevity. Here are some tips to ensure that your moonga stone remains in pristine condition:

            • Cleaning & Maintenance: To clean your red coral, wipe it with a soft cloth and warm water. Avoid abrasive materials and harsh detergents that can potentially scratch or damage the stone. Given its organic nature and a hardness of 3.5 on the Mohs scale, red coral is softer compared to gemstones like rubies, rendering it more susceptible to damage and requiring gentle handling.
            • Periodic Inspection: When worn daily, red coral may gradually lose weight due to contact with everyday chemicals such as soap and deodorant. This continuous contact can lead to a loosening of the ring setting, potentially causing the stone to become dislodged. To avoid this, regular inspections of your red coral jewellery are essential.
            • Recharging Ritual: The most effective method for recharging your red coral involves placing it under direct moonlight. This helps replenish the gem's energy and revitalize its astrological properties.

            A red coral (moonga stone) ring

              Conclusive Reflections

              Red coral is celebrated not only for its organic beauty but also for the profound astrological advantages it bestows. Whether you're seeking inner strength to conquer life's challenges or a deeper alignment with your astrological journey, red coral offers a spectrum of advantages waiting to be discovered. When contemplating the option to buy a red coral stone online, it is crucial to approach the selection process with due diligence.

              If you’re looking to buy moonga stone online – we invite you to browse through our collection of these organic gemstones encompassing both Japanese and Italian red corals. With our free lab certifications and returns policy, you can be assured of a genuine purchase of a red coral or moonga stone at Precious Earth.