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Astrological Benefits of a Ruby (Manik Stone)

The ruby or manik stone, often referred to as the "King of Gemstones," is revered not only for its breath-taking beauty but also for its purported astrological benefits. This gemstone's captivating red color is reminiscent of blood - a vital life force, making it a symbol of passion and courage. Chemically speaking, ruby is the red-colored variety of the mineral corundum, and its distinctive red color is attributed to the presence of trace amounts of chromium within its crystal structure.

As we embark on this exploration of the ruby stone’s benefits, we'll delve into the astrological benefits of the ruby, exploring the profound impact it is believed to have on those who embrace it.

Rubies (Manik Stone) in Astrology

1. Historical Context

The historical significance of rubies dates back to ancient civilizations, often associated with royalty and power. In Hindu mythology, rubies were linked to the Sun, granting protection and vital energy to the wearer. Warriors in Burma (now Myanmar) even adorned their armour with rubies, believing that these gems would make them invincible in battle. In some cultures, the manik stones were considered talismans of protection, with the wearer relying on their radiant energy to shield themselves.

Centuries later, the allure and benefits of ruby continue to captivate wearers worldwide. It's a gemstone that bridges the gap between history and modernity, connecting wearers to the age-old belief in its mystical properties.

Diagram representing the planetary, zodiac, and birthstone month associations of a ruby (manik stone)Rubies in Astrology

2. Birthstone Month

The ruby holds the distinction of being the birthstone for the month of July. This fiery gem is a symbol of passion and energy, perfectly complementing the liveliness of summer. It's said to bestow its wearer with courage and a vibrant zest for life, making it a fitting choice for those born in July.

3. Planetary Association

In the realm of gemstones, the ruby possesses a profound celestial association with the Sun. The Sun serves as a symbol of power, vitality, and success. Astrologers believe that wearing ruby can enhance one's connection with the Sun's energy, bringing warmth, courage, and positivity into the life of the wearer. When the Sun is favourably positioned in one's birth chart, the ruby stone benefits may manifest in a life filled with luxuries.

4. Zodiac Signs

Vedic astrology recommends the manik stone for individuals born under the Leo and Aries zodiac signs as it complements their horoscope traits. For Leos, this gem amplifies their natural charisma and courage, empowering them to express themselves with confidence. Ariens benefit from the ruby's energy, which fuels their adventurous spirit, in harmony with their horoscope. However, Scorpio, Cancer, and Sagittarius natives can also benefit from the ruby's virtues per their horoscope.

Conversely, astrologers advise against wearing rubies for those born under Pisces, Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo zodiac signs. This is due to potential incompatibility with the Sun, leading to adverse effects when wearing the manik stone.

Benefits of Wearing a Manik Stone

Diagram representing the astrological benefits of a ruby (manik stone)Astrological Benefits of a Ruby Stone (Manik)

The manik stone has been cherished for generations for the profound advantages it is believed to offer to its wearers. Individuals who wear ruby stones often aspire to tap into the celestial energy of the Sun, harnessing its qualities of vitality and strength. Some key benefits of wearing a ruby are:

    • Improved Confidence: Among the many benefits of ruby, it boosts self-confidence and courage. Wearing this gem can empower people to speak their minds with clarity and conviction, and confront life's challenges with fearlessness. The ruby's energy acts as a constant source of empowerment, serving as a constant reminder of wearers' innate capabilities and encouraging them to approach situations with unwavering poise.
    • Vitality: As ruby is intricately linked to the sun, it serves as a potent source of vitality. It's believed that wearing this gem allows the wearer to harness the Sun's powerful energies, infusing them with a profound sense of renewed energy and an unwavering zest for life.
    • Root Chakra Balancing: Ruby holds a special connection to the Root Chakra, the foundation of our energy system, residing at the base of the spine. This chakra governs our physical and spiritual vitality, impacting our overall well-being. Wearing a ruby can aid in harmonizing and aligning this chakra, fostering a sense of security, independence, and overall balance.
    • Passion & Relationships: Wearing a ruby stone rekindles the flames of passion, igniting the inner fire and deepening the bonds of affection within relationships. This vibrant gemstone encourages the expression of love and desires, fostering profound connections with loved ones.
    • Success & Leadership: Ruby is often regarded as a gem of success and leadership. It's believed to enhance leadership qualities, boost self-confidence, and inspire one to take charge of their destiny. The energy of the ruby empowers individuals to confidently embrace roles of leadership and guide their own destinies.
    • Health & Protection: Throughout history, rubies have been revered as protective talismans. Wearing one can create a shield of positive energy around you, guarding against negativity and misfortunes. Moreover, this gemstone is believed to have a beneficial influence on blood circulation and improved eyesight.

      Wearing Guidelines

      Wearing a ruby to harness its astrological benefits related to the Sun can be a powerful choice. To ensure you experience the full spectrum of advantages, it's crucial to adhere to certain wearing guidelines. Here's a checklist to help you maximize the astrological benefits of your ruby:

        • Metal Choice: When it comes to manik stone jewellery, tradition dictates setting it in a gold or copper ring, with gold bracelets being an option as well. These metals are believed to enhance the ruby's energies and conductivity, facilitating a more potent connection between the gemstone and the wearer's energy field.
        • Colour: The most coveted colour for rubies is pigeon blood red, which is a strongly saturated, vivid red colour. In the realm of astrology, unheated and untreated rubies are deemed more potent because they are said to offer superior results. This extends the choice of lighter red natural rubies as effective options.
        • Origin: Burmese rubies are renowned as the world's finest, celebrated for their vivid blood-red colour and exceptional quality. Other noteworthy sources of high-quality rubies include Mozambique and Madagascar.
        • Finger Placement: In Vedic astrology, the ruby ring is typically worn on the ring finger of the right hand. This finger is associated with the Sun, aligning with the gem's connection to solar energies.
        • Timing: The manik stone is intricately linked to the Sun, and astrological wisdom suggests wearing it on Sundays, the day ruled by the Sun's influence. In astrology, the early hours of Sunday, around sunrise, hold a special significance for wearing any piece of ruby jewellery. This time frame harmoniously aligns with the celestial energy of the Sun, ensuring maximum astrological benefits.
        • Chanting Mantra: To further amplify the potent energy of your manik stone ring, chanting Sun-related mantras like "Om Suryaya Namaha" can be an enriching practice. This mantra can help attune the wearer's energies to the powerful influence of the Sun.
        • Lab Certificates: Prioritize selecting a ruby that is lab-certified for authenticity. Some unscrupulous sellers may try to deceive buyers by selling subpar rubies or counterfeit gemstones. A lab certificate offers assurance that the gem you're buying is indeed genuine, providing you with the confidence that your investment aligns with the quality you expect.
        • Carat Weight: In astrological practice, it is recommended that the ruby's carat weight be at least 1/12th of the wearer's body weight. For instance, a person weighing 60 kg should consider wearing a 5-carat ruby for optimal astrological benefits. However, apart from carat weight, the benefits also depend on its overall quality and alignment with the wearer's birth chart. Consulting with an astrologer can help you select the ideal ruby that aligns with your astrological needs.

          Caring for Your Ruby

          Rubies, with their captivating red allure, are treasures that deserve meticulous care to maintain their beauty and astrological potency. Here are essential tips on how to care for your ruby:

            • Cleaning: Gently wipe your ruby with a soft, damp cloth to maintain its radiance. Avoid harsh chemicals to prevent damage. For a deeper clean, use mild soap and warm water to soak your jewellery briefly. Perform this cleaning ritual at least once a month to keep your ruby looking its best.
            • Storage: Keep your ruby in a separate compartment or a fabric-lined box with individual compartments for your jewelry pieces. This safeguards your ruby from potential abrasions, preserving its flawless condition.
            • Periodic Inspection: Periodically inspect your manik jewellery for loose settings or damage. Timely repairs not only prevent gemstone loss but also contribute to the longevity of your jewellery piece.
            • Recharging Ritual: After cleaning, it's essential to recharge your ruby gemstone. Simply place it in direct sunlight to allow it to soak up the sun's energy. This process not only cleanses the stone of negative energy but also rejuvenates its vitality.

              A Ruby ring worn on a finger

              Conclusive Reflections

              Beyond its fiery red hue and mesmerizing beauty, the ruby stands as a beacon of cosmic energy, closely associated with the powerful Sun and deeply intertwined in astrology. Rubies have been revered as symbols of passion, courage, and vitality, drawing seekers of cosmic energy into their enchanting embrace.

              As we've discovered, wearing a ruby isn't simply a matter of choosing jewellery; it's a deliberate alignment with the radiant energy of the Sun. This journey empowers individuals to confront life's challenges boldly and ignite the flames of passion within their relationships. If you're looking to buy manik stone online, we invite you to explore Precious Earth's exquisite ruby collection and experience the transformative power of these remarkable gemstones.