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Is It Safe to Purchase Gemstones Online? - A Buyer's Checklist

The internet has revolutionized the way we shop for everything, including gemstones and jewellery. With the rise of online marketplaces, buying gemstones online has become more accessible than ever.

While products like technology or clothing are generally standardized, each gemstone is unique and possesses distinct characteristics. Unlike an Apple MacBook, for example, which is the same whether purchased from the Apple store or a marketplace like Amazon, the quality and authenticity of gemstones can vary significantly based on the vendor. As such, it's no wonder that buyers may question the authenticity and quality of gemstones when purchasing online. In this blog, we will discuss why buying gemstones online is safe when purchasing from a trusted vendor, and also focus on a buyer's checklist that ensures a secure purchase.

Why Buy Gemstones Online?

The internet has made the world a smaller place, and buyers now have access to a wider range of gemstones from all over the world. Back in the day, buyers would be limited to a handful of brick-and-mortar stores, with a limited selection of gemstones, for their purchase. More often than not, such offline stores would also be located in extremely crowded markets, and would have a limited capacity to entertain the requests of each individual client. Online marketplaces, on the contrary, allow buyers to browse and compare a vast range of gemstones, from the comfort of their homes, without the need to visit a physical store. Online shopping also provides buyers with more transparent pricing and competitive rates, as online vendors typically have lower overhead costs than traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

The Buyer’s Checklist

When purchasing gemstones online, there are certain factors that buyers need to consider for a safe and secure purchase. The checklist below ensures that your purchase is genuine, and that you are getting what you pay for, to the best of your satisfaction.

1. Reputation & Trust

The reputation and trustworthiness of the vendor are crucial when buying gemstones online. Buyers should research the vendor's reputation, read reviews, and check their credentials and certifications. Look for vendors that have a history of selling high-quality gemstones and have positive reviews from previous customers. It also helps if the brand is an old and established one – this adds a certain trust factor to your purchase. Precious Earth, for example, is a modern offshoot of a brand, Rasiklal & Brothers, that has been in the trade for over 75 years.

2. Laboratory Certification

Gemstone certification is an independent assessment of the quality and authenticity of a gemstone. Certification ensures that you are buying an authentic gemstone and that you are indeed getting what you pay for. Do note, however, that there are certain levels of certifications – from local to international labs, that have varying degrees of accuracy. In general, certificates from labs such as IGI, GIA, GII, etc. can be trusted with confidence. To learn more about the authenticity and certification of gemstones, click here.

3. Returns & Refunds

Always check the vendor's return and refund policies before making a purchase. Reputable vendors will have clear and transparent return and refund policies. Look for vendors that offer a hassle-free return and refund policy in case the gemstone does not meet your expectations. To know more about Precious Earth’s lifetime returns policy, click here.

4. Payment Modes

When buying gemstones online, it is essential to use secure payment options. Look for vendors that offer secure payment options such as Netbanking, credit cards, or other secure payment gateways. Never send money directly to a vendor without using a secure payment gateway. Precious Earth is happy to offer a wide range of payment options to our clients via our ccAvenue payment gateway.

5. Communication & Support

Good communication and support are essential when buying gemstones online. Look for vendors that provide clear and transparent communication and support, both before and after the purchase. Reputable vendors will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about the gemstone or the purchase process – without being over the top with spam emails and excessive communication. In general, your queries should be answered without the fear of any additional spamming or constant compulsion from the sales reps to make a purchase.

6. Delivery & Shipping

Always check the vendor's delivery and shipping policies before making a purchase. Look for vendors that provide insured shipping with a tracking number. Insured shipping ensures that your gemstone is protected during transit, and a tracking number allows you to track your shipment's progress. With high-value items like gemstones and jewellery, it always makes sense to check if the vendor has secured a transit insurance for their products.

Buying gemstones online can be reliably safe when you take the necessary precautions and are purchasing from a reputable vendor. The internet has opened up a world of opportunities for buyers to access a wider range of gemstones from all over the world, at competitive prices. In general, it is a good idea to ensure that your purchase meets the above checklist to the best of your satisfaction.