Gemstones for Meditation September 05, 2024Precious Earth In the serene journey of meditation, the quest for deeper connection and tranquillity often leads us to the enchanting world of gemstones. These natural wonders, each imbued with unique energies...
The True Definition of a "Gemstone" June 10, 2024Precious Earth Gemstones, also known as precious stones, are pieces of mineral crystal cut and polished for use in jewellery and adornments. While most are hard minerals, softer materials, like opals and...
Do Gemstones Really Work in Astrology? May 23, 2024Precious Earth Gemstones have adorned jewelry for centuries, symbolising wealth, status, and beauty. Yet, their significance extends beyond mere aesthetics and carat weights. In numerous cultures, gemstones have been interwoven with astrology...
Astrology: A Conduit for Faith? August 08, 2023Precious Earth In a world where the realms of science and religion often appear to be locked in a perpetual clash, there exists a fascinating and often misunderstood domain that transcends conventional...
Used Gemstones: Yay or Nay? May 17, 2023Precious Earth Here’s a little trade secret which, as industry-insiders, we can divulge to you: most gemstones available in the market today are used, and most sellers usually charge the same prices...
Beyond Beauty: The Versatile Role of Gemstones in Modern Industry April 25, 2023Precious Earth Throughout history, gemstones have captivated our imaginations with their mesmerizing colours and timeless beauty. However, as technology and modern industry has evolved, mankind has discovered more applications for these precious...