Astrology: A Conduit for Faith? August 08, 2023Precious Earth In a world where the realms of science and religion often appear to be locked in a perpetual clash, there exists a fascinating and often misunderstood domain that transcends conventional...
Navratna Gemstones: The 9 Celestial Stones July 28, 2023Precious Earth The world of gemstones is as diverse as it is beautiful, but few collections of gems hold as much historical and astrological context as the Navratna stones. The Navratna stones...
Is Your Gemstone Authentic? 6 Tips for a Consumer July 18, 2023Precious Earth Gemstones, ranging from the tranquil blue of sapphires to the fiery red of rubies, never cease to evoke a profound sense of admiration within us. The gemstone market today, however,...
The Anatomy of a Gemstone: A Beginner’s Guide June 10, 2023Precious Earth Gemstones have captivated humans for centuries with their vibrant colours, exquisite beauty, and inherent allure. Beyond their visual appeal, gemstones possess a complex internal structure that contributes to their enchanting...
What is a "Natural" Gemstone? Debunking Industry Myths May 25, 2023Precious Earth Natural gemstones have long captivated mankind with their stunning beauty and mystic allure, but the very phrase “natural” in this context comes with a somewhat complex connotation. This connotation is...
Used Gemstones: Yay or Nay? May 17, 2023Precious Earth Here’s a little trade secret which, as industry-insiders, we can divulge to you: most gemstones available in the market today are used, and most sellers usually charge the same prices...