Gemstone Hues: The Science of Colours & the Art of Nature February 23, 2023 Precious Earth Have you ever marvelled at the stunning colours of gemstones? These natural wonders come in a rainbow of hues, ranging from the warm orange of the citrine to the cool...
Is It Safe to Purchase Gemstones Online? - A Buyer's Checklist February 13, 2023 Precious Earth The internet has revolutionized the way we shop for everything, including gemstones and jewellery. With the rise of online marketplaces, buying gemstones online has become more accessible than ever. While...
Gemstones x Astrology: A Cosmic Match? January 27, 2023 Precious Earth A fascinating ancient practice, astrology offers a unique perspective on human behaviour and relationships, and has been used throughout history to gain insights into the past, present, and future. Whether...
Gemstone Investments: An Unrevealed Portfolio Diversifier January 09, 2023 Precious Earth Gemstone Investments: An Unrevealed Portfolio Diversifier Gemstones have been sought after for their beauty and rarity for centuries, but more recently they have also been recognized as a unique...